Friday, July 24, 2009

Ah Yes! I remember!

Sometimes I get really tired of talking and writing about yoga.
In fact, I started this blog as a way to talk about something else.
I created a blog to not talk about yoga.
Pretty much all I talk about is yoga.
And, on top of that, I've never even told anyone I have a blog, so I could write anything I want because there are no followers!
I could talk about junk food and t.v.
Now that's freedom.

So why do I keep going down that path of writing?
"Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" (That is a Brady Bunch reference from my brain archives)
But for me it's "Yoga, Yoga, Yoga"
Am I one-dimensional?
Sometimes I wonder, but then I remember two things.

First, I'm not one dimensional. In fact, to be the yogin is to grow yourself to greater dimensions, NOT to narrow yourself to the one. There are SO many other things to think about, talk about, and do!

The second thing I remember is: Spiritual Life. There's not a difference. I hate the question "do you have a spiritual life?" Duh. Life is the embodiment of spirit. Can't be alive without a spiritual life.

So, yes, I do have the freedom to write about anything I want, and out of that absolute freedom, I tend to always come back to "yoga." And yet, reading through my archives (someone has to!), I note that I never write about "yoga." I just write about stuff in my life, which is a yoga, and the very reason I forgot and thought I only was writing about yoga. (It may take a few passes at that sentence to get it. Gotta keep all those following the blog on their toes!)

To forget is one of the terms of our embodiment.
To remember is to get a glimpse of our absolute, empowered freedom.

The fourth R of Spaciousness: Remember
(R's 1-3 are release, receive, and relax)

Remember the bigger picture.
Remember you are the empowered embodiment of Consciousness
Remember that there's more to life than "yoga"
Remember that there's nothing more to life than yoga.
No, it's not all yoga.
But it all can be.
Why? Because all yoga is is to be bring things into relationship. I bring my "life" and my "spiritual" together. That's why there's no difference--but there is, because life and spiritual are two things that are yoked together through the practice of yoga. That's why it seems like I'm always practicing yoga.

So, I just write. And you can call it yoga or not.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summertime and the Living is Easy

Last Friday evening, I found myself in New York's Central Park. It was an incredible day. Blue skies prevailed above the towering skyline, the temperature was comfortable, and everywhere I looked, New Yorkers were . . .



It's true. In the city of all that is hip, stylish, and, fast fast fast, I found leagues of the trendy playing organized kickball in the park. Yep, that kickball. The one from grade school with the really bouncy ball and running around bases until you make it home or get pegged. There was laughter, playfulness, and a feeling as if there wasn't a care in the world. Forget the economy. We're playing kickball.

We stood and watched mesmerized for a long while, and then, heading out of the park, walked to Times Square, haven of frenetic energy. After a very relaxing week in a tent in the Catskills, I was a bit nervous even thinking about the energy in Times Square.

As we approached this epicenter of stimulation, we noticed something very odd. Outdoor lounge chairs in the middle of the streets. Tourists sitting down and staring up. Querying one of the Times Square Association Guards (or Guides a little of both I suspect) as to the nature of the lawn chairs, the reply was,

"Didn't you ever just want to sit down and relax?"

This was the perfect answer and a maha aha moment.

I was at the tail end of my third week of the Spacious Breath of Summer project that I concocted for myself. I was there in the week of the 3rd R--RELAX, and a brawny security guard was offering an all too simple answer to my question. I tell you, this Northern Californian yoga teacher has a lot to learn.

As I too joined the throngs of tourists sitting in the middle of the street in Times Square (I hear that real Manhattanites find this new situation absurd, but maybe they just haven't taken the time to sit there yet.), I looked out at the lights, the ads, the still very present taxis and their requisite horns. My eyes had a hard time taking in all the sights, my ears the sounds, my body the energy . . . and yet, I felt totally relaxed.

To relax is actually something quite different than we tend to think of it. To relax means to "make less firm or rigid" to "ease up or back off." And, all of these definitions imply that there is still engagement happening. To relax is not to be lazy, but to find an easeful effort. To relax is to be able to take a moment to "just sit down." The world doesn't stop, but can you just watch if for a moment? As yogins, the very point is to be able to be in the world in an easeful way--not to run and hide from it. Not to turn our noses at the craziness of Times Square, but to sit right down in middle of it and relax. This is the yoga of course. To be at our ease amid the chaos.

Over the course of the next day and a half, we found ourselves returning to the sitting areas--our favorite was a permanent installation--risers that were lit from underneath looking over the length of Broadway. Sitting there, my son (who turned 13 that day) looked across at an enormous billboard of our ancestor, the missing link hominid dubbed Lucy, whose fossils were resting close by in an exhibit. Having a moment to spare, and a nice place to sit and have conversation, we explained what/who Lucy was and then again, rested back into the pause among the wildness.

A bit later, first gesturing towards the rendered eyes of Lucy and then down at the thousands who walked or sat in Times Square, and then gesturing even to the cars, the lights, the buildings, he stated, "It's amazing. From her, all of this."

What if we hadn't sat down in the middle of Time Square to relax?
An aha moment denied?

It's summer.
The living is easy . . . even when it's hard.
Sit down and relax.
You never know what revelation may be waiting for you.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Thank You Notes

Growing up in the South, manners were everything. From an early age, my mother emphasized us saying "may I," "please" and "thank you." These were everyday things. Then there were those big league manners. The manners of receiving a gift! Because this, my friend was an entire process--with steps! And these steps were to be followed no matter what when you a gift came your way--whether you liked it or not!

I think back on many a Christmas and birthday gifts that I actively detested. I had my 8-year-old mind on Barbie's Dream House, and I ended up with a new scratchy, poly-knit turtleneck. An abomination! What person in their right mind would EVER think I would want THAT?

But that was never ever never to show. In fact, not only was I taught to receive the gift with a smile on my face when in the presence of the giver, the ultimate in misery was yet to come--the thank you note. A verbal "thanks" was not enough, oh no no no. The time-honored practice of sitting down and taking the time to thank someone--with specifics--for what they had given was "the least you can do, for them taking the time, effort and money to give you a gift." Writing those notes was the bane of my existence in December and my birthday month of January! Though it could have taught me to be a really good liar (and I won't pretend that there weren't flat out lies and exaggerations at times), what it began to teach me over the process of my growing up was to receive the offering's intention and to look for the good--even in that scratchy poly turtleneck.

Finally, after the thank yous, there was the dealing with what to was become of the unwanted gift. There was never waste. I had to first think of someone who might like it or benefit from it. Mostly, they were sent to donation centers, or in someway re-purposed. Sometimes, at the end of January, we would take the things we weren't going to keep, as well as to go shopping for brand new gifts that we would like and . . . what?! . . . take them to a little girl our age at a nearby orphanage. Many years, I resented that, feeling like I got the raw end of the deal, and that she was getting all the gifts that I had wanted. Then, we would take her back to that big institutional building, and I would remember, "oh yeah. She got the raw deal here."

All that was a long time ago. What about those less tangible offerings? Life's curve balls? The unexpected and unwanted gifts of the Universe? How am I receiving those and am I offering back a thank you note?

Two weeks ago, I cultivated the first R of spaciousness, release. I let go of a long-held habit pre-anticipating outcomes (and the inevitable let downs and frustrations when what showed up was different than my vision of it). The spacious breath of summer continues and I've just spent 7 days cultivating the next R of spaciousness: RECEIVE.

What doe it mean to receive anyway? I spent some time contemplating the verb early in the week. To receive something indicates a few things. First in order for something to be received, something has to be offered. Secondly, to receive indicates an action. There is actually an engagement in receiving. Being offered a gift, I must reach out and open my hand to actually accept it. I could see something I don't like and refuse by never reaching out, or even closing my hand. Even if a gift is left on the doorstep I have to bend down and bring it to me. I'm making a free choice to receive what's being offered--or not.

And, while everyday is not Christmas or my birthday, my life makes lots of offerings, how am I receiving or refusing them? After spending a week practicing (and the practice continues) releasing expectations, I had tilled the soil for receiving. My hands were already open having let go of what I expected was going to be placed in them. I got Barbie Dream House gifts from my life, and I got some scratchy turtlenecks, but you know what? (My mom would be so proud!) I started writing mental--and sometimes even verbal--thank you notes for what life was serving up. I even came up with specifics of how the gift might be of value to me and how I might use it (or re-purpose it).

And this time . . . the "Sincerely, Abby" was heartfelt, with not a lie in sight! After all, manners and sincerity have to go hand-in-hand!

The 10 Rs of Spaciousness:
You'll have to wait for the rest.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Release or Re-Lease?

A week or so ago, on these very pages, I committed myself to taking a spacious summer breath; to remembering how to let myself go with the current that the world--my world-- is offering me rather than to struggle against it. Becoming spacious, opening up space in your life can be tough. It's hard letting go of things, people, ways of relating in your world.

I've noticed that people often replace the word "space" with "time" in their way of thinking. I've certainly done it. "I need to free up some space in my schedule," No, you need to free up some time in your schedule. They actually aren't synonymous. Time is linear. Space is circular if anything.

So what is space to me, and why am I devoting my summer to creating more of it? Space, to me, is about having some breathing room, options, possibilities, angles, and, okay, time too. Time in the form of pause.

The Spacious Breath of Summer and its 10 Rs, was conceived by me on Thursday, June 18 during a long personal writing session. Rather than jumping right into the practice of it, I decided to start on a Sunday. Sunday's are good starting days . . . I suppose that notion goes back to my Protestant upbringing. But, no matter, it felt right to weave in a few days to just sit with the idea to see if I would actually step into it. For three days, I just sat back and began recognizing what was what (and I suppose this could have been the preliminary R: recognition), I proceeded, last Sunday to RELEASE. To let go of anything and everything that no longer served me or enhanced my life.

I actually love the word release, because it implies a sensitivity, a caring, even a degree of love, as much as it empowers you to active role in parting with something, someone, or a way of being in the world. To release something is not to look back and judge, but to look forward and acknowledge. To release is to not place things in the category of good or bad, but rather to see what is enhancing or diminishing your life.

The key for me in this release week was to not anticipate what needed or wanted to be released but to allow it to arise as self-evident. I tried not to think about it so much as to feel it and even to wait for these intimiate strangers to announce themselves to me. A few days in, there came a moment when a pattern that I've been habituating for a year or so tapped me on the shoulder, "Excuse me. I somehow seem to have gotten attached to your coat, and although you are great company, this really isn't my direction, nor is mine yours. Can you release me from your hold so that we can both go our own ways?"

And just like that, I knew I was done with that. Five days later, the pattern hasn't surfaced once. And so it went every few days, another shoulder tap, another ,"Excuse me," followed by my acknowledgement, "Yes, you're right. Thanks for what you brought to the table. I am glad to have known you despite the fact that yes, you are right we truly are tangled up, and I, too, am feeling stuck and bound by you. I release you."

My patterns and I were having a breakup conversation. A very mature one. No tears. When the time is right, it's right.

Now, as my release week comes to its close, I have a new ease. I actually feel better than I have in quite awhile. I feel better in me and the perspective from which I'm viewing things. Do I dare say, I feel more spacious? As the saying goes, I have a new lease on life . . .

or is it a re-lease on life?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Spacious Breath of Summer

The summer solstice approaches in days. The growing light is beginning to shed light onto the landscape of my life. Sometimes the summer sun is harsh. It's at full power. It burns. That which has been veiled by the shadow of wishful thinking, is revealed for the reality of what is.

Last night, the light took the form of the proverbial lightening flash. In the dark, a flash of recognition flashed so bright and with such declaration that my whole world seemed revealed to me in a new way . . . not as I was wanting it to be, but as it was. The illumination of the lightening against the dark night was as terrifying as it was life giving. There it was. The "aha" moment. The world revealed in all its splendour, not as the Disneyland dream vacation, but the realness it tries so hard to evoke. And since when did reality take on such a negative connotation anyway?

It doesn't matter the dream versus the reality. Apply your own. Ideas that don't match with what the world is offering. Expectations that disappoint or veil us from seeing what's before us to the point that we reject or refuse what's being offered rather than receiving it.

Following the lightening revelation of my night, I, as I often do, went to walk with my dog near the water, to get more clear on my vision. As the bay waters lapped rhythmically onto the rocky shore, I committed myself to something. I committed myself to a spacious summer. I mean, isn't that the very idea of summer? Isn't that what we are seeking in the sort of elusive holy grail of our idea of what summer should be? Summer is that brilliant pause. The pause between "years" (because, don't we all in some way still operate on the school year so ingrained in our nature at a young age?) And what is a pause but space?

With our cells calling out for this pause in the year, we plan our vacations; attend our picnics; scoot out of work early; dream of heat and lightening bugs and lazily passing the time on a porch swing with a bell jar of lemonade watching distant storm clouds gather.

What do all those notions point to? A need for space. Space between obligations and responsibilities. Space to dream, think, sit, play, remember our freedom. Space to slow down and see our world and and our life as it is and as we desire it to be. But to really give space to something, we have to know where we are beginning. Really.

I'm committing my summer to spaciousness. To "opening to Grace." To softening up the preconceived of what I want; the preconceived of what anything is "supposed" to look like; the preconceived notion that I can bulldoze anything into submission; the preconceived that I can engage something without feeling it out first.

So, it is to this pause, this spaciousness, that I commit my attention this summer. In other words, I'm committed to taking a symbolic breath. I'm taking a 10-week breath in fact. Interestingly, when we take in our breath, we're adding something in that creates a spaciousness. You would think that a feeling of spaciousness would be associated with the exhale. We are, after all, emptying ourselves, and yet, the physical act of exhaling draws us in and compacts us a bit, even as we are releasing something. And what of the pause between the two. Space. So my summer? One big spacious breath made up of many parts.

Contemplating this, I've created The 10 R's of Spaciousness for myself. Each week, beginning on a Sunday, I'll write about that week's focus for opening myself up to what the world and my life are offering me. Because opening myself to that will truly be the only way that I can begin to step into those currents in ways that are affirming in my life; in ways that enhance and expand me rather than diminish me.

Welcome to my summer.